About Us

welcome to Life Point Kenya

About Story

In 2014 Bishop Mike Mutua and his wife Eva Mutua answered Gods call to begin    church-planting & community-transforming movement after years of serving as employed pastors and leaders. Through Faith and tent making jobs they begun a ministry that has since, 9 years counting, has seen establishment of over 20 churches plus a growing number of church planting pastors and evangelists across the country.

The churches are in both rural and urban locations ministering to especially marginalized who are seen as “the least, the lost, the last and the left-out”. We are involved in various holistic ministries and programs, that are expanding daily, such as evangelism, discipleship, provision of water through drilling boreholes, building Church structures, intentional street ministry, children and youth outreach and mentorship, food and clothing donations, health and wellness support, leadership development, and adult education among others.

Bishop Mike Mutua

Founders vision 

To see the expansion of the Kingdom of God through the multiplication of church-planting Churches by mobilizing, developing and supporting church planting leaders and teams. 

Going forward – My Invitation

“I am convicted that God is inviting my wife and I urgently to transition into full-time national leadership at LifePoint Ministry Kenya so as to spearhead the movement efficiently to thrive, especially as we emerge from the difficult Covid-19 situation, and to adapt our ministry to thrive in the unfolding future.  This transition means that I prayerfully raise the needed support for my family and the ministry through financial donations from friends and partners. I desire to make the transition in six months or as soon as I have raised some reasonably adequate funding. link alternatif sultan69 

I therefore, kindly invite you to partner with us and participate in our ministry by 

1) Praying with us, 

2) Giving to support us, 

3) Paying our ministry a visit, 

 4) Telling other potential partners about our ministry. ( share)”

What We Do

  •  Intentional Pastor-led Church Planting 
  • Robust Mobilizing, Developing and Supporting Church leader
  • Prioritizing Sharing the Love of Jesus in Tangible ways through Community 
  • Outreach and Social Welfare
  • Focused Mentoring on Sustaining Church Growth and Vitality

We achieve our purpose through;

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